About the Coalition
What type of organization is ITPAC?
The Internationally Trained Physicians Access Coalition (ITPAC) is an alliance of groups/organizations of internationally trained/experienced physicians (ITPs), as well allied groups/organizations providing support to ITPs.
This coalition began in Ontario and is open to working with like-minded groups across the country in order to establish a national advocacy voice.
What is the purpose of ITPAC?
ITPAC (“the coalition”) works to galvanize the efforts of ITPs advocating for systems change to enable their skills and experience to benefit the Canadian healthcare system; and to enable ITPs to pursue careers in medicine or commensurate roles outside of medical practice.
How does the coalition work?
The coalition works in two main areas:
Professional Licensure: Addressing systemic obstacles and advocating for solutions that provide equitable, timely access to licensure, residency opportunities and related supports.
Alternative Career Options: Supporting alternative healthcare-related career pathways and employment opportunities that utilize the skills and experience of ITPs.
The coalition's work includes the identification of systemic barriers based on lived experiences, and the promotion of enduring healthcare systems solutions that benefit all residents of Canada, while ensuring a high standard of healthcare. The coalition is committed to sharing best practices, facilitating connections and supporting strategic networking.